Sometimes we just want to let it out to the people who’ve been there, get some affirmation for our daily struggles—in the express lane, where the sign reads an illiterate “15 items or less” instead of fewer, behind the lady with 30 items. We want to commiserate, which breaks down to being miserable (miserate) together (co).
When I woke up this morning after a delicious night of sleep, which was preceded by a riveting episode of Law & Order SVU, which followed good sex, there was nothing for me. My daughter came downstairs wearing the right, clean school uniform, her hair brushed. The air was cool and gorgeous. My handsome husband was pleasant.
And then my Internet, which ought to be called Intermittentnet, screwed me, turning on and going off every few minutes.
And then I got cut off on the way to my appointment with the back doctor. The car was some fancy yellow thing with JACKIES on the tags.
I arrived to my 9:30 appointment ten minutes early. At 10:30, when I was not the next patient to go back, I complained. Of course it’s not the receptionist’s fault, but she does need to do more than look at me with a squinched up face and tell me she doesn’t know what’s going on. She needs to get up and find out, even though doing so changes nothing.
A woman who arrived a while after I did is also a patient of my doctor, so she wasn’t happy when she realized how long I had waited. Our discussion in the waiting room—about how it is obscene to make people wait like this, especially people in pain, and how we should not stand for it, and how we consistently have to pay $5 for parking that ought to be free, were we in and out of there on time—was loud.
The patients were riled up, yes, but not enough to form the army that we needed.
Not enough to walk out.
We’re not stupid, after all. It took us months to get our coveted appointments. We couldn’t possibly step out of our place in line awaiting these blessings from our gods. Going all Michael Douglas on their asses isn't an option, either.

When I am at last taken back, the assistant yells my name through a window on the other side of the room before she has even opened the door. She walks me silently down the hall and puts me in a room. Then she explains, like I’m a stubborn child, that the doctor is still with the other patient discussing his films. She just wants to let me know that I might be waiting a little more. But she doesn’t apologize to me like she has to the other 15 patients who were seen earlier.
When the doctor comes in, she says she’s sorry, she knows I’ve been waiting. “An hour and twenty minutes,” I say. Yes, she acknowledges, as if reading it from a card, my time is also valuable. “It’s worse for us. We’re in pain. We’re depressed,” I say. We’re listening to old people complain about their bursitis and last night’s dinner.
I can understand emergencies. I’ve been an emergency now and again, and I feel bad for all those people who have had to wait because of me. But why aren’t emergencies built into a schedule? When I first visited this back doctor, I waited for just as long before being seen. I couldn’t sit or stand. I had to lie on the floor. I’m sure there was an emergency that day, too, and there will be another emergency when I return in a month. (Fortunately, I had the sense to make myself the first appointment of the day.)
So why can’t all physicians take an example from my daughter's pediatrician. Block out between one and two hours a day mid-day or an hour each in the morning and the afternoon—just for people who need to be seen right away. Even if they did this two days a week, it would cut down on our waiting time, which would surely decrease our surliness and remedy our respect for them.
Even still, when I go to a restaurant, I’m told how long the wait will be. When I register at the desk for a doctor’s appointment, why doesn’t someone say to me, “I’m sorry. The doctor is an hour and a half behind. Would you like to reschedule or go shopping for an hour?”
I was ten minutes late to yard duty at my daughter’s school.
All the children in the fifth grade cheated at four square.
Maybe October 2 can be the official Bitching Hiatus.
If only we could get through an entire day without someone pissing us off. I mean, pissing us off, bitch.
* * * *
Getting angry with Bob always makes me feel better.
6 caws:
I work with 99% men, literally. The only other women are the clerical staff and there's only 2 in my department of 52. Because I'm in their world, out there in the field wearing my hardhat and doing exactly what they do, they assume I'm a bitch or a lesbian(not that there's anything wrong with that). I'm really not a bitch, though. I bring them donuts and make them laugh and help them with their paperwork. But if I have one bad day where I'm not cheery or don't feel like getting their freakin' donuts, I'm a BITCH! I'm thinking of becoming a bitch 100% of the time and do it up right. I'll wear my crown proudly!
Afterthought: I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. She's also notorious for running a little late. But she's kind and understanding and a lot like me, so it's worth waiting for her. I like that she takes her time and really talks to her patients. I try to focus on that while I'm waiting and waiting and waiting. And remind myself that she'll give me just as much time as everyone else. I'm rambling ...
A guy can't get an erection, and he's been to every doctor in town to get help. No one can help. Finally, he sees an herbalist who tells him that he has a potion that will give him the biggest erection ever, but only once a year. It will last as long as he wants, and all he has to do is drink the potion and say "one, two, three," and to get it to stop he has to say "one, two, three, four."
So the guy runs home, drinks the potion while the wife is washing up in the bathroom and says the magic words..."one, two, three." Sure enough, the biggest erection ever. As he's sitting there marveling, the wife comes out and asks, "honey, what did you say one, two, three for?"
And that is why you never end a sentence with a preposition.
I was just bitching about the "15 items or less" the other day. Everyone seemed to think I was making it up or something. To which I responded by bitching that I didn't have enough writerly friends.
I'm sorry to hear you had to wait so long. That seriously sucks. I've been in and out of emergency rooms and doctors' offices as much as the next sap, but I only qualify one experience as truly miserable. I had indescribable pain (and I love adjectives and descriptors way to damn much) owing to complications from an ongoing miscarriage (as if the thing itself isn't one big emergency/complication). I seriously felt like I was being torn apart from the inside, waaay worse than full-term labor, and I waited for two frickin' hours. They finally took me in, and it passed as I was waiting in that stupid secondary waiting room. Then I felt crushed and in pain ... and then stupid on top of it all, like I took the car to the mechanic and it stopped making the funny noise all of a sudden. I think I just cried. I don't really do riled up. But you are right, in spades. They need to figure something out. There's got to be a better system.
Well, if I'm gonna bitch, maybe I should take the action over to my own blog. Great post, as always. Hope everything smooths out for you.
God, I missed it.
Did I seriously NOT complain about ANYTHING yesterday? Is that possible?
Everyone got to school on time and in good spirits, I took some pictures, my parents came by and donated a big fish tank to the school and then stayed so that dad could fix my garbage disposal... I had a good idea, cooked some good food, and got offered front-row tickets to a rock and roll show.
I think I didn't complain all day! WTF?
Are comments open to girls only? I hope not, because I wanted to say -- "Wow, now a musician!"
Always involving reading!
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