“The Most Dangerous Cake Recipe” is made of the usual suspects, and the original recipe lacked only salt. (I made this the first time with melted butter.)
4 T flour
4 T sugar
2 T cocoa (Hershey’s dark)
1 egg
3 T milk (2% here)
3 T butter, melted
3 T chocolate chips (optional)
splash of vanilla
pinch of salt
1 large, microwave-safe coffee mug
1. Mix the dry ingredients well; add egg, and mix well; add remaining wet ingredients, and mix well.
2. Cook in the microwave on high for three minutes. The cake will bubble up over the mug.
3. Let it cool, and turn it over on a plate.
The email asks, “And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night.”
I’ve got some news for you. That’s not why this is the most dangerous cake recipe.

This cake in a mug is not nearly sweet enough. And though that could be fixed with more sugar (maybe a dusting of powdered sugar on the top?), it has the texture of a sponge. And though that might be fixed with a scoop of ice cream on the side, it already has a whopping 979 calories!
Better to waste those calories on something that's truly delicious, like a Berger's cookie.
7 caws:
Add the extra sugar. Add the ice cream. Cut it in thirds and Voila! A sensible dessert.
I'm so with you on get something more delicious!This reminded me of Jaden's so-called Negative Calorie Chocolate Cake :-D
Manisha, link, please?
Lee, don't waste your time, though you could make this pretty exciting.
Teena, it's not worth it. Trust me, or make it yourself. The problem is that you would make it if you're depressed and eat it all, despite how crappy it tastes. I'm saving you from yourself.
1000 calories don't scare me. Microwaves scare me. Cooking in microwaves scare me even more!
wait. 57 grams of fat!?!!?
(and my little word verification is CHEST - hahhaahaa!!!)
Sorry I am vastly behind on everything. Here's the link:
Jaden's cake. She has a video of it on some TV show as well.
Oh for the love of sugar! However, this cake in a mug works out to about 20 points in the WW program.
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