My living room is now full of barriers—big foam core walls—to danger. I feared she’d burn herself on a floor lamp or start a fire with electrical cords. She got her head stuck between the fridge and the wall, where we stored some folding chairs; they tipped a little and seemed to pin her head—gently, but she didn't know the difference.
Still, she seemed to enjoy going to the park and would often perk up to see Chance and Marty getting ready. She was always hungry, too, and didn't that mean she still wanted to live? So that made it hard for us to agree on the time. Perhaps my family felt that my fear of a second back surgery (the first a result of having to lift Cleopatra each day to put her in the truck for a walk at the park) made me more eager to be rid of this physical burden—pulling her out of corners and lifting her onto her feet. And who could blame them for their love?

Cleo’s always told us what she wanted or needed. She’d scratch at the back door to go out or come in; she’d fetch sticks and drop them at our feet or put balls in our lap. She didn’t take no for an answer, either, and would bark at us or paw us until we played. She spoke in a sweet little trill, slept on her back with all four paws in the air, licked our faces, played a mean game of tug-o-war (often snatching sticks from other dogs). She never bit us, not even by accident. She was only really sick once—with Lyme disease. And she took care of us, waiting for whomever was trailing behind.
In the last few weeks, it’s been clear to me in her pleading eyes. I’ve been waiting for my husband’s realization to catch up with my own. We’ve done this before—lost three dogs and two cats during our twenty-eight-year relationship, never mind those pets that came and went before we met. So it was never a question of whether it was the right thing to do.

I had a feeling this final image was clouding my husband’s judgment, just as it haunted me. But Cleo’s decline over the last few days has been swift. She can no longer stand on her own and is often found trying to scramble away from her puddle of pee. When we stand her up and put her in the yard, she wanders around in crooked, slanted circles, stumbling. At least once every day, I am alone and having to wrap Cleo’s pee soaked body in my arms to move her. And she has finally lost her appetite. On Saturday, she refused her bone, and I called the vet.
It took that, I think—the indignity of lying in one’s own urine and excrement coupled with lack of a desire for food—to make her condition urgent. I have been crying, with small periods of clear speech (usually to yell at someone), since Saturday. Last night at midnight, I heard some furniture moving in the kitchen and rescued Cleo from what I hope and wish is her last puddle. I slept fitfully.

The vet will come tonight, and we will bury Cleo in the morning. This is as right as our hearts are broken. Our dogs have always been beloved members of our family. They celebrate our joys and comfort us in times of grief. When they go, pieces of us go with them.
Their people will be fragile for a little while.
20 caws:
I'm heartbroken for all of you, truly. Those final moments always are etched in our memories, but the rest of their lives is, too. Cleo sounds absolutely wonderful. You're doing the right thing. Many hugs to you all.
Heartbreaking. I'm so sorry, Leslie.
oh, leslie, i am so very sorry. cleo is such a sweet girl. xoxoxoxo
It's too hard to see to type... so long, Cleo.
Cleo sounds like a great dog. I'm really sorry you lost her.
leslie, i am so sorry. sitting here in tears, and sending nothing but love, strength and hugs for you all and ms. cleo. xoxoxo
Goodbye, sweet Cleo. I am glad I got the chance to meet you. Much love to you, Leslie, and your family. I'm in tears now.
Please know that you and your family will be in my thoughts today. Soon your dear Cleo will be out of pain and will run free at the Rainbow Bridge. It is clear from your writing that she was truly loved and adored.
as I read this, with tears, my cat Cody has hopped up on my lap and put his paw on my cheek. our furry friends crack our hearts open with love, I think that's what hurts so much, the depth of love. Take your rest Cleo. And may your loving family be comforted in knowing you are free from suffering.
I, like everyone else who has read this, am crying. I know the pain of this decision and the sorrow of watching your animal suffer. This is a beautiful eulogy for her.
Leslie, I am so sorry for your loss. I've only had to put one pet to sleep. I didn't have her very long but it broke my heart enough that it took me 9 more years to get cats again. I can only imagine how hard it is after years of companionship. I will be thinking of all of you...
I share tears with you and your family.
I'm sorry Leslie for the pain you feel. I don't know why, but the pain of losing our pets is always so close to the surface.
Thank you for sharing a beautiful set of words for your friend.
a sad and heartfelt and lovely tribute. my thoughts are with you.
This is really sad. Maybe the fact that she lived her life around loving people could put a smile in your face. Hugs to you all.
oh lordy... goodnight darling Cleo. eyes filled with tears, here, too. xoxo
I'm sorry, Leslie, but what a great tribute. Love: "She spoke in a sweet little trill, slept on her back with all four paws in the air . . ." She does sound like such a sweetie, and the loss of such a friend brings such deep pain. The cure, I hear, is another dog, though I have not done that since losing our Jack last April.
leslie...i hardly know you...only thru flickr...but this just makes me cry. I've been there more than a few times myself and can tell cleo was well loved and a treasured member of your family. the decision to let them go is always wrenching and it never seems like "the time"...but it is. when you love this much you just know in your heart it's time to let them pass.
sending you and your family lots of hugs and love.
I don't know if any of you will see my reply here, but I want you to know that I really appreciate all your comments and thoughts and messages and letters and sweet notes and phone calls. It's so much comfort, all these virtual hugs. It's so much love. Who could live without it? Who would want to?
leslie thanks for sharing this with us. you have written beautifully and poignantly about your loss. keep writing. you are very gifted. xo
i am so sorry for the loss of your cleo. what a girl!
Hi Leslie...I know you don't know me, but I found this post through a series of Flickr links and just wanted to tell you how moved I am by what you've written here, and how much my heart aches for your loss. My husband and I are anticipating the imminent loss of a very old, beloved cat. Losing an animal companion is difficult regardless of the circumstances, but when it's one of those rare, truly special ones, the pain is indescribable.
It's true, as another commenter noted, that they love us deeply, but the fact that we can love them so much in return, knowing they will leave this world before us and knowing the suffering this inevitably brings...well, that kind of love is magical and powerful. And it endures.
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